LPRI is asking for your help in telling legislators to vote in favor of H7766. If you can’t show up to the bill’s public hearing on Tuesday, March 26, please submit public testimony in favor of the bill and reach out to committee members to ask they vote for the bill.

Not sure where to start? More information on submitting public testimony is below and you can even use our suggested email template.

We’ve also included a list of legislators on the House State Government and Elections Committee, which will ultimately vote on whether the bill should advance. In addition to submitting public testimony, you can reach out to them and let them know they should support the bill.

Suggested Email Template

Dear Members of the House State Government and Election Committee (or whichever individual legislator you email)

I support H7766 because it would make ballot access easier for alternative parties. This would give voters like me, who don’t align with either major party, better representation. Please vote in favor of the bill.


Concerned Resident (Your Name Here)

Public testimony can be submitted to [email protected]. Make sure to include your name, the bill number, and your support for the bill.

Be aware that submitted written testimony is considered public and will be available online.

Legislators to Contact

In addition to submitting public testimony, you can also reach out directly to legislators on the committee, who will ultimately vote on whether to advance the bill to the legislature for a vote on final passage.

Representative Evan P. ShanleyChair[email protected]
Representative Mary MessierFirst Vice Chair[email protected]
Representative Arthur J. CorveseSecond Vice Chair[email protected]
Representative Edith H. AjelloMember[email protected]
Representative Jacquelyn M. BaginskiMember[email protected]
Representative Jon D. BrienMember[email protected]
Representative Raymond A. HullMember[email protected]
Representative Katherine S. KazarianMember[email protected]
Representative Brian Patrick KennedyMember[email protected]
Representative Jason KnightMember[email protected]
Representative Michelle E. McGawMember[email protected]
Representative Patricia L. MorganMember[email protected]
Representative Brian C. NewberryMember[email protected]
Representative Mary Ann Shallcross SmithMember[email protected]
Representative Teresa A. TanziMember[email protected]