Back in 1977, when the Libertarian Party of Rhode Island was first formed, the party had a monthly newsletter called The Individualist. Our current Executive Committee has decided to revive it.

You can download the first issue at the link below.

Look for a few words from Chair William Hunt, an update on public policy from Policy Director Shawn Mizener and a call for input in future issues from members of the party!

Want to contribute to the next issue? Have ideas about what we should include in future issues of the newsletter? Send us a message at [email protected]. Make sure to include “The Individualst” in the tagline.

And don’t forget about our campaign to #TurnRIGold. If, like us, you want a more freedom-forward future in the ocean state, consider donating or volunteering with LPRI. We can’t rely on the two-party duopoly to implement the policy we’d most like to see. Let’s make sure there’s some gold on the maps in 2022. Visit to learn about how you can help us #TurnRIGold.