Contact: Katherine Revello, Communications Director
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Libertarian Party of Rhode Island Endorses Elijah Gizzarelli for governor
The Libertarian Party of Rhode Island (LPRI) has formally endorsed Elijah Gizzarelli as the Libertarian Candidate for the 2022 Governor’s race in Rhode Island.
A native Rhode Islander and veteran, Gizzarelli brings with him multiple years of political campaign and national advocacy leadership experience, along with a passion for personal liberty.
LPRI Vice Chair Shawn Mizener commented on the formal endorsement:
“We’re excited to announce that Rhode Island will have a valid third choice on the ballot this November. The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States, and with this campaign we will solidify LPRI’s formal status as a political party here in the Ocean State.
Our slogan is that we are “The Party of Principle” because we stand firmly on our principles. Libertarians strongly oppose any government interference in your personal, family, and business decisions. Essentially, we believe all Rhode Islanders should be free to live their lives and pursue their interests as they see fit as long as they do no harm to another.
The past few years have made it clear that the status quo isn’t working for Rhode Island. With the country and state seemingly more divided than ever–it’s time to be neighbors again. The Libertarian Party of Rhode Island proudly supports Gizzarelli as the candidate who can bring much needed change to the Rhode Island political landscape and be a viable option to those that are tired of voting for ‘the lesser of two evils.’”
As well as declaring his candidacy, Gizzarelli filed paperwork with the intent of establishing the LPRI as a political party recognized by the state. Gizzarelli, who will appear on the ballot as a libertarian, needs to receive 5 percent of the vote in the upcoming gubernatorial election in order for LPRI to become a recognized party.
The LPRI will be working to collect ballot signatures through July 15, to ensure Gizzarelli receives a place on the ballot. Anyone wishing to help the collect signatures should complete the from located on the volunteer page of the party’s website:
More information about ballot signature collection will be posted on LPRI’s social media pages.
Media inquiries about LPRI and Gizzarelli’s campaign should be directed to