Topics covered are:
- Local Races
- 27 Primaries for GA seats, 18 with incumbents (36 percent are running unopposed)
- Compared to 2014 when 43 percent went uncontested
- Libertarian candidates and who they are challenging
- Article in The Providence Journal on fundraising.
- 38 Studios
- The Providence Journal seeking criminal investigation records
- WellsFargo, Barclays Capital settlement
- Schilling gearing up for his trial – says he can’t wait to tell his side of the story
- Kennedy Plaza issues and panhandlers
- Albuquerque model is interesting but would it work
- How involved are social services in this process with group of stakeholders trying to fix problem?
- Much larger issue: Brookings Report found Providence had the fifth largest income gap in the country in 2014.
- Extension for RI tourism campaign