Christian Chirino, Chair (CC)
Brian Stack, Vice Chair (BS)
Tony Jones, Treasurer (TJ)
Gary Whitney, At-Large Member (GW)
Beth Richardson, Secretary (BR)
ExCom Comments and Updates—
BS talked about the state hearings on gay marriage legalization and medical marijuana dispensary licensing. Because of the budget shortfall for the state of RI, he feels that there is more momentum towards the privatization of URI.
CC also went to the hearing on gay marriage legalization. He is in communication with his RI senator about issues of interest to libertarians.
GW went to RI Card Check hearings (Corporations Committee), and hearings on Health Care Freedom Bill (which would exempt RI from the federal healthcare law mandate). GW is considering joining the Richmond Land Trust, a Richmond town citizen board.
BR reported on restrictive local ordinances that libertarians oppose, such as the Charlestown Sign Ordinance (which is not at all “user friendly”), and the Charlestown Planning Commission’s proposed ordinances which would require citizens to sign affidavits about the use of their property.
TJ is seeing about getting street potholes fixed. He mentioned that NE Tech may be moving to East Greenwich. TJ is also considering joining the East Greenwich Historic District Commission or the Board of Assessment Review.
Old Business—
TJ reported that he is still waiting for the ETN (Employer Tax Number) to be given to the LPRI so he can open a bank account. However, as LPRI can receive up to $10,000 in yearly donations without an ETN (with individual donations capped at $500/year), maybe LPRI can just go ahead and accept donations while waiting for an ETN for this year.
BS made a motion to have the By-Laws Committee come up with an article in the LPRI By-Laws dealing with the creation of temporary or permanent committees or positions.
This would allow the ExCom to create positions or committees as the need arises. Motion passed unanimously.
CC will ask Mike Rollins if he would be interested in being a resource person for those running for public election as Libertarians in RI.
Spring Meet-and-Greet Events (M&G): BS, BR and GW have a South County Spring M&G planned for Sunday, April 10, 2011, from 2- 4 p.m. at the Clark Library (7 Pinehurst Dr., Richmond, RI). CC is planning a Providence area Spring M&G for Saturday, April 16, 2011, from 2 –4 p.m. at the Liston Campus of CCRI (Providence), Room 2316. TJ is planning a Kent County area Spring M&G, location and date to be announced.
BS will make up a flyer announcing the details of these M&G’s and BR will print them. BR will send the flyer via email to LPRI members.
New Business—
BR made a motion to have BS put announcement of open ExCom meetings on the LPRI website, inviting the public to come. Motion passed unanimously.
BS will send out a revised and color-coded version of the data dump of LPRI membership. The colors will indicate who is an active member or inactive member an who does not want to be contacted.
TJ suggested the creation of an email list (list-serve) which would be used to communicate with LPRI members. CC will look into this, and see what other states use for their list-serve. Possible creation of an RSS feed for the LPRI website was also discussed.
BR will make up a form letter that can be sent to people whose membership with the Libertarian Party has lapsed, saying that we miss them and asking what LPRI can do to better serve their needs.
CC spoke with Dan Karlan, LP Regional Rep. Dan says he needs info about what the RILP has been up to so he can report to LP National. It was decided that the Spring Meet and Greet flyer would be good to send to Dan. ExCom members were tasked with thinking about what other items should be reported to Dan, which he can then pass on to National LP.
RILP Convention— Four possible dates for the RILP convention were discussed: May 14 or 15 or May 21 or 22. CC will contact Dan Harrop to see if he could obtain the Knights of Columbus Hall (Gano St., Providence) for the convention. If this is not available, other venues will be sought. One to three in the afternoon was deemed a good time for the convention. As soon as a definite date and place are secured, email notices will be sent out to the members of LPRI.
CC made a motion for LPRI to endorse RI HR5452, which would eliminate straight party voting. Motion was unanimously approved.
BS made a motion to support RI HR5186, which would eliminate the state mandate for school bus monitors for grades k –5. This would facilitate towns and municipalities making their own rules about the safety of their children. Motion was unanimously approved.
Next Meeting: March 20, 2011, at BR’s house, at 1 p.m