by LPRI Admin | From the LPRI Chairman
2022 marks the 45th anniversary of the formation of the Rhode Island state affiliate of the Libertarian Party. This is a significant milestone, but to put it into perspective, 2022 also marks the 87th anniversary of Rhode Island’s so called “bloodless revolution,”...
by LPRI Admin | From the LPRI Chairman
On Thursday, June 17 2021 Tucker Coburn submitted his formal resignation as Region 8 Representative to the Libertarian National Committee. The Region 8 bylaws, which the LPRI Executive Committee agreed to abide by at our May 29, 2020 meeting, state the following: 4....
by LPRI Admin | From the LPRI Chairman
The primary focus of the Libertarian Party of Rhode Island is on growing our state membership and finding candidates to run for local office. As an affiliate member of Region 8, some have suggested it would be appropriate for the LPRI to weigh in on the current...
by Lucie Raposo | From the LPRI Chairman
***ALERT*** It’s Easter at the State House. Two bills held for further study (which usually means the kiss of death for the current session) were miraculously resurrected and voted out of committee tonight, and now head for a full House vote. On Thursday. Yes,...
by Lucie Raposo | From the LPRI Chairman
As Chairman of the Libertarian Party, I continue to be frustrated by the failure of the establishment media in Rhode Island to provide significant coverage and analysis of two key components of #38Stadium. First, is a discussion of the appropriateness of government...
by Lucie Raposo | From the LPRI Chairman
We, the members of the Libertarian Party, challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and defend the rights of the individual.We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they...